Friday, October 3, 2014

Fragments from Niobhe's journal


There, I used the word.

All known of our group seem to be branded such now by imperial decree. I was brought up to respect the House of Avan, led by Emperor Agelmore who my grandfather counted among his best friends. Now, I am not so sure I can bring forth much of that respect anymore. From what has been experienced these last months, and what I have seen of the extant members actions, it is clear they are mere shadows of the last emperor.

Shadows.. That word seems to crop up manyfold these days. From the visions of Signar to the decades old murals in the family hold of Loften. As far as I can piece together, grandfather saw its existence and actions as the gravest threat to what he and Agelmore built. During the long nights of the travel I've been going over events and what I've learned. Connecting the dots, I'm beginning to see patterns, leading me to draw the conclusion that this Shadow múst be behind at least some the events.

There is no other explanation! What the Patriarch is doing goes against all I was brought up of knowledge of Haelyn. When our group spoke with the Patriarch before the betrayal, he mentioned the belief that all bloodlines should flow to the One Temple. This is square against Haelyn's own sacred teachings, is one of the prime teachings not to uphold the sacred feudal order?! I seem to be losing my footing in this world.

No, I will not let that happen! My father, my grandfather, King Hrothwulf, the old Emperor,.. they all laboured to long and to hard to let it fall to pieces on the whim of one man now!

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