Sunday, October 5, 2014

Session 8 (1,200 xp)

Heroes: Signar, Malik, Machteld, Niobhe, Trevan.

Year 640 MR - Spring

The Heroes travel north, trying to avoid known trails. After a week outdoors, they finally reach the village of Heldren. In this quite village they have a chance to sleep in a real bed, and resupply. But it seems bad new are following them around.

Baroness Argentea, lady of this province, has gone missing a week ago, apparently kidnapped by bandits. As the Heroes inquire in town, a wounded Rjurik, former bodyguard of lady Argentea, is brought to the tavern, bearing serious injuries. The gravest of all seem to be frostbite.

The man recounts that the lady's carriage was attacked by bandits at the border of the nearby forest. Strangely enough, creatures of ice were allied with the bandits, and with their arrival, winter fell on the forest, now covered in snow!

Equipped for the cold, the Heroes go to the forest and investigate the wreckage of the carriage. Undead creatures hide in ambush, and those corpses that remain have been killed by ice shards and needles.

The party follows the trail left in the snow, and encounters several evil fey. When they capture a few, they learn that the winter-touched sprites are servant of the White Witch of the North, far into the Rjurik Highlands: how they arrived this far south is still a mystery.

The Heroes keep tracking the bandits, and arrive at a frozen creek, where creatures made of ice try to stop them. Having defeated also this enemy, they proceed deeper into the snowy forest.

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