Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Letter of Machteld to her children

*the ink quality is bad, the paper is worn. Obviously written in less than ideal circumstances.*

As I continue from my last letter. We had just arrived at the city dock Lofton. After a brief discussion and a suggestion of using the stolen imperial seal, it was decided to have Alfred announce Niobhe as heir to the house. Personally, I gave a counterargument against the seal, using a stolen imperial document would come back to bite us or atleast force people to ask questions about its origins or reasons. I would have preferred to keep our guise as a merchant and entourage to have a look in the city at first.

Upon being welcome we met order of the phoenix during our stay. People who value their honor. Time will see if they are simply stuck up and confuse ego with honor or atleast know what they are speaking about. One of them decided to tag along to personally protect Niobhe. He assuaged my concerns that we would need to do some underhanded things to keep her safe. Apparently as fast as we were in reaching the Alamie lands, a daughter of the emperor was faster than us. They captured the redheaded woman that travelled with us.  

We had a chance to convince the caretaker of the Alamie lands. He believed us. But there was little he could do without causing a civil war, or at least verifying the story. Should have taken the damn boat. The Lord of the Tuornen side came, with the daughter of the emperor. Ultimatum was given. Turn us in or die. Gods so much to say still.  

I’m losing my train of thought again. Upon wandering the city during the meeting with the emperor’s daughter, I was assailed by two people, claiming a "friend" wanted to have a word. We fought and they were carrying an imperial writ declaring our group as traitors.

We witnessed one of the men of the emperor’s daughter be killed for failing something. Killed in cold blood. She had tried to make a bloodsport out of it. Yes, me a traitor. I’m the one that left home because I was trying so hard to get rid of the corruption in our lands and it the backlash had become too dangerous for me and you, my children by association. I’m sure my Uncle would be laughing himself into a heart attack if he heard that. I don’t consider general thing I’m doing wrong. Although I’ve certainly done things I regret, like the herald and losing my men, but more on that in a moment. But a traitor? No.

I’m starting to think that Haelyn’s church is under a malovent influence instead. It is starting to distance itself and the populace from the gods. Besides I’m still being paid and I sword no oath to the emperor here. A tiny bit that piqued my interest were the descriptions of Lord Thalion. "He always looked further". He was always "Saying the Shadow would return."

I’m not sure what this "Shadow" is, but it sounds bad enough as something that could twist the belief of a patriarch. This whole situation with the emperor has never sat right with me. Also heard that Thalion did unorthodox things or methods compared to knights. Not sure I like that, but I acknowledge the need for protection on that level for a noble or kingdom. Need to look into that. Additional note, saw the painting of a member of the family fighting a shadow dragon, connected?

And back to the story. The ultimatum gave us one day, we snuck out of the city under cover of twilight. I sent the men out earlier to regroup a few days later. When we came to the agreed place, it was occupied by the men of the priestess. They had caught up again, and killed most of our men, the few that remained were tortured. I was unable to find out if any successfully ran away. I met up with Signar, as he had gotten separated from the group.

As we left the small town, the cries of my men being tortured could be heard. I hear them still sometimes. Turning away, even while knowing it was useless to try to rescue them, was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It was also the first time that men under me died, and that doesn’t make it any easier.

Leaving you, my children, behind in Grevesmuhl was worse than this though. I miss you all even more now.

Sera and EhloƩle keep you safe

Your loving mother,


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