Sunday, June 28, 2015

Session 44 (2,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Malik, Niobhe

Year 647 MR (1st quarter)

Once again, humanoids from the north descend upon Tir-na-dair and Harjavalta. Malik and Niobhe bring their military strength to bear and quickly repel the bandits. Niobhe also institutes the Order of the Dawn, a military order sworn to oppose the Shadow in all his forms.

The first temples and guilds are raised in Ruiddhar and Caer Cwnnar, but the Queen of Lluabraight does not appreciate it. She sends an ultimatum to Niobhe to make sure the provinces remain free of human influence.

A corruption scandal targets the capital city of the Giantdowns; King Sigurd makes sure all the culprits are punished harshly, and all the victims are repaid for their losses.

Vladimir grants financial support to Rjuvik, sealing an alliance to eventually attack Stjordvik. Not long after, Malik's assassin guild receives a request to assassinate King Varri of Stjordvik.

Year 647 MR (2nd quarter)

King Sigurd grants Niobhe more lands in the Giantdowns, then sends spies to Halskapa to gauge the kingdom willingness for a future alliance.

Malik plans the assassination of King Varri, and also sneds his most trusted minions to kidnap Storm Holtson of the Stjordvik Traders, a competitor for the monopoly of Stjordvik's guilds. The kidnapping fails, but Storm is not yet aware of who is behind the attempt.

At the end of the quarter, the Jarl meeting takes place. Ansen Tieghan III, husband of Niobhe, is also present: he bears a message from the Emperor-Patriarch, asking Sigurd to renew their oaths of peace and alliance.

Malik makes several revelations about the nature of the Empire of Anuire, and claim the Patriarch is a servant of the Shadow. Privately, he also hands to Niobhe several letters he found in Nathanael Alamie's study, letters revealing that Niobhe's son, believed stillborn, is still alive.

An envoy from Stjordvik also arrives, bringing news to King Sigurd: he has been invited to join the Moonlight Treaties, and alliance binding all the realms of the Taelshore to support each other. Should he accept, the official announcement will be made next month, during the celebrations for the marriage of Storm Sigurdson (brother of Queen Kolina) and Astrid Varridotter (daughter of King Varri).

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