Sunday, June 21, 2015

Session 43 (2,000 xp)

Heroes: Vladimir, Malik, Machteld, Niobhe.

Year 646 MR (1st quarter)

The Heroes decide to spend the year improving their holdings and consolidating their power. Machteld returns from Grevesmhul, intent on staying in Jentilak. She brings her son Gerold, hoping Queen Rowena will accept him at her service. When King Sigurd's offer to become a jarl in the Giantdowns, she refuses, hoping to move south to Dhoesone, or being near to her son in Jentilak.

Year 646 MR (2nd quarter)

Having received the mystical implements necessary to contact the Enlightened from his mother, Malik assist to what is to be their last meeting. Lord Goldenwings (supposedly the Patriarch) reveals that, now that the Empire of Anuire has achieved unity and peace once again, what he needs is for the rest of Cerilia to fall into chaos, in order to achieve his plans of conquest. One by one, the members of the council are drowned in shadows, coming out of the dark corners of their chambers back home.

Malik, having pretended to be his mother, i safe. But the same cannot be said about Lady Khalila... Lord Goldenwings makes clear to Malik to not provoke his wrath. He has found him once, when assassins "killed" Malik, and he would have no troubles in finding him again.

Year 646 MR (3rd quarter)

After giving birth to little Nathanael II and having spent a few months with the son, Niobhe leaves him in the care of his father, Ansen III, and returns to Jentilak, together with 3 units of Wulf's Myrmidons. She reunites with her old adventuring companions, and updates them on the current political situation in the Empire. Queen Rowena assigns her and Machteld lands in Jentilak.

Vladimir is contacted by the duke of Dhoesone. Several troops of the Crimson Shield are stationed in Dhoesone, and the Duke hopes Vladimir will use them to attack the elves of Tuarhievel that are currently occupying the forest regions once belonging to the Duke. Vladimir refuses, and move his troops away, back to Jentilak. The duke revokes his usual support to the Crimson Shield, and begins favouring other churches.

Year 646 MR (4th quarter)

Gazing south and west, Vladimir contacts Fulgar the Bold, king of Rjuvik, to forge an alliance againt the White Witch; he plans to invade Hogunmark, but Fulgar is not keen in provoking the Witch. He suggests  to attack Stjordvik instead; if Vladimir is not willing to commit troops to the attack due to his allegiance to King Sigurd, Fulgar will gladly accept economic support to muster more men. Vladimir delays his response, to better ponder on the issue.

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