Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Session 46 (4,325 xp)

Heroes: Vladimir, Malik, Machteld, Niobhe

Year 647 MR (3rd quarter)

Vladimir, Niobhe, and Malik manage to escape captivity, while Sigurd remains prisoner, and is brought to Hollingholmen. Half of the Stjordvik army invades and pillages Jentilak. The Heroes gather what troops they may, and meet jarl Njall of Stjordvik n the field. A deal is made: the jarl will receive a considerable prize in goods to bring back home, and he will also escort Queen Astrid and King Storm back home, to begin talks of peace. Vladimir will travel with them.

Year 647 MR (4th quarter)

But peace is still not achieved. King Fulgar of Rjuvik invades Stjordvik, blaming Storm have plotted the assassination of King Varri together with Sigurd. The army of Rjuvik pillages the countryside, and besieges the city of Hollingholmen. Queen Astrid and King Storm, together with jarl Njall and Vladimir, defend the walls of the city, slaying a Frost Giant and his Ice Mephits: it seems that the White Witch has given her favour to king Fulgar the Bold.

From the north, Jentilak army invades Rjuvik, but they are defeated by the king's wizards, who cast powerful realm spells and turn Jentilak own men against their fellow soldiers! When Jentilak regroups, druids of the Oaken Grove in Rjuvik open negotiations to cease the hostilities. At the same time, the Oaken Grove army in Stjordvik helps to lift the siege of Hollingholmen, and the Rjuvik army retreats.

The leaders of Stjordvik, Rjuvik, and Jentilak meet to define peace terms. Storm and Astrid are the rightful King and Queen of Stjordvik, and Fulgar will not seek revenge against Sigurd for the death of King Varri. Still, everyone is worried about Sigurd's sword, Eternal Winter. Druids of the Oaken Grove consult with their god, and agree that the sword must be as far away from Stjordvik as possible. They entrust it to Vladimir, but only for a short time; the power of the sword whispers dark words in Vladimir's mind, and he's compelled to return the sword to Sigurd.

Year 648 MR (1st quarter)

After two seasons of war, the Heroes focus on recovering from their losses, and improving their domains.

Year 648 MR (2nd quarter)

Niobhe decides it is time to finally put her father's soul to rest, and follow her mother's prophetic words: she wants to seek the Phoenix, a legendary ershegh said to live in the Khinasi lands. The Heroes promptly agree to follow her. Malik is eager to ascertain the faith of her mother's holdings in Aryia, and Vladimir has received a vision through one of his spells, with a simple yet uncertain message: Fire will melt the Ice.

After two months of travel by land and sea, the Heroes reach Aryia, where Malik is welcomed by his family, albeit a bit formally. there the Heroes have the chance to enjoy the exotic pleasure of the Khinasi lands, and learn more about the Phoenix. The sage Rahil reveals that the ershegh has being sighted on the island of Ghamoura, a realm where the only worship allowed is that of Nasri, goddess of the seas.

The Heroes prepare for the travel, but Malik still finds the time to delve a bit deeper into his family's current plots. It seems the youngest and more ambitious members of the family are not completely happy with the current Paladin Prince rulership, and seek a quick (and deadly) way to end it. When he visits the safe-house of her mother former guild, he receives a gift from the current guildmaster: the magical dagger of the now dead Khalila el-Arrasi, Alaqrba Alahmr (Red Scorpion).


  1. The great thing about these longs sessions: Look at the recap! It is half a book. Thanks for the outwrite everytime.
