Saturday, June 6, 2015

Session 41 (3,100 xp)

Heroes: Niobhe, Ansen, Erin, Coradan, Leonarr

Year 645 MR (3rd quarter)

With the help of Leonarr's dream spell, Niobhe contacts Lord Hadrien, brother of the Emperor. She hopes to find in him a valid candidate to succeed the current Emperor. During the dream, she begins to understand that Hadrien is actually expecting the Heroes to kill his brother: it all seems part of a plan concocted by the Patriarch and Lord Thalion. With even more doubts, Niobhe gathers with the others.

Erin decides to bring to bear mighty holy magic. She prepares a ritual to commune with her god directly. In answer, the soul of Ansen Tieghan II, the Silver Knight, paladin of Healyn, her own grandfather, appears to her. From him, she learns that the Patriarch may not be who he claims to be; she also learns that Lord Thalion is not dead.

Still, when the Patriarch's envoy arrives the day after to hear the Heroes' answer, they decide to accept the Patriarch's help. Even Niobhe is swayed to accept, when she's offered more lands for Alamie.

After a week, the rebel armies attack the capital. As promised, the Patriarch's troops open the gates to the invading armies, taking the defenders by surprise. Another unexpected ally is in the city: still serving Lord Thalion, the Brecht mercenary company called Wulf's Myrmidons has infiltrated the Imperial Legions for the last four years, awaiting Niobhe's return with an army. They also expected her to come back with "someone" who could bring peace once and for all, but she does not know who this may be.

After several skirmishes, they proceed to the Imperial Palace. Waiting for them in front of the doors leading to the throne room are the three daughters of the Emperor, the Templar Virgins. But instead of battling the Heroes, they open the doors for them, and then bear silent witness of their fight against the Emperor.

With the power of Anduiras flowing in his veins, the Emperor throws himself at the Heroes, possessed by divine wrath and madness. When finally Niobhe has the chance to strike the last blow, she decides to show mercy, and instead of killing the Emperor, she knocks him out. But one more betrayal awaits.

The three daughters of the Emperor unleash divine magic on his unconscious body, and kill him! The power of his blood begins to rage around the corpse, ready to flow into the Emperor's heir.

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