Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kingdom of the Giantdowns

The Giantdowns were a wild land of ferocious beasts and evil humanoids, until King Hrothwulf and his adventuring companions forged a kingdom out of it. Now ruled by Hrothwulf's son, the Kingdom of the Giantdowns is looking at his neighbours to expand. The king maintains friendly relationships with the Rocksplitter clan, but the situation with the elves of Lluabraight to the east is very tense.

An unofficial truce exists between King Sigurd and his grandmother, the White Witch.

Lords of the Giantdowns

King Sigurd Jotunulf (Lemnjohen) driven, proud. Also see HERE.
Jarl Huralla (Barrow Woods) wise, wild. Also see HERE.
Jarl Dane (Midjarna) patient, traditionalist.
Jarl Egfrid (Bjorlangen) warlike, blunt.

Rocksplitter Clan

King Emerus (Silverhead) stubborn, merciful. Also see HERE.

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