Sunday, September 21, 2014

Session 6 (500 xp)

Heroes: Signar, Vladimir, Niobhe, Trevan, Malik, Sigurd, Machteld.

Year 640 MR - Spring

Trevan summons magical fogs to create chaos, while Vladimir charges through the crowd to make way, and the Heroes manage to escape from the Imperial Palace; Lord Thalion willingly remains behind, and his imprisoned.

The party splits, Niobhe and Sigurd find refuge in the underground lair of the skulks, while Machteld returns to Thalion's palace to regroup with her troops. While she's there, she and her mercenaries must face a detail of Imperial guards on the streets. After the battle, they all proceed to the sewer hideout.

Malik hides in plain sight disguised as a merchant. At night, he inflitrates Thalion's palace, and in an hidden compartment he find a scroll bearing the seal of Emperor Agelmore, deceased father of the current Emperor.

Signar prowls the streets, and has a chance meeting with a strange beggar, a young handsome man with a silver harp, who warns him against trying to leave the city by sea. The young priest also receives one of his visions:

A field of ice, a dark shape far away, as big as a mountain, crowned in ice. The voice of Rowena, Signar half-sister, calls in the distance "come back, my brother, I need you... come back".

The Heroes eventually regroup, and decide to leave the City of Anuire in small groups, in different days, and to regroup north in the City of Endier. On the road, they have a few chance encounter with a wolves, gnoll bandits, and even with an envoy from the capital. They assault the envoy and his entourage, and steal his Imperial seal.

In Endier, the Heroes wait a week for their men to arrive, and then they rent passage by river on a barge. A week later, the river docks of Lofton in Alamie are seen in the distance.

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