Sunday, August 10, 2014

Session 2 (265 xp)

Heroes: Signar, Niobhe, Malik, Machteld, Sigurd, Trevan.

Year 640 MR - Spring

After a night of troubled sleep, Signar receives a vision:

A dragon drinks from a pool of clear water, but deep into the pool, an oily blackness begins to spread. A caged phoenix hovers above the center of the pool, trying to warn the dragon, but he keeps drinking, deaf to the fiery bird's cries.

At lunch the same day, Sigurd begins to outline his plans of invading the Scarlet Barony upon their return back to the Giantdowns.

After enjoying a night out in a few taverns, the Heroes are assaulted on their way home by a group of thugs set on kidnapping Sigurd and Niobhe. The party rapidly submit the thugs, and deliver most of them to the City Watch, while bringing two of the criminals back at their residence for interrogation. The thugs reveal that they were hired by cloaked figure coming out of the sewers, at a specific meeting point.

The day after, while heavy rains keep pouring, the funerals of the Emperor take place. The ceremony is performed by the Patriarch of Haelyn, Adame Nichalier. While witnessing the ritual, the Heroes realize that only lip respect is given to all the other gods, while Healyn's faith is praised as "the truest faith".

During the evening mourning at the Imperial Palace, the Heroes have the chance to meet the new Emperor, Darien Avan Roele. A devout follower of Haelyn, he does not hide his disappointment with Lord Thalion, and with King Hrothwulf, for the lack of unity among the Rjurik realms. The Heroes feel that tensions are running high at court.

At night, the Heroes follow up on the failed kidnapping attempt, and go into the sewers as indicated by the captured thug. They discover an hidden lair, where several cloaked figures plot their dark schemes.

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